The forum for Multiplayer Madness.

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Here are the rules to Multiplayer Madness HQ. You must abide by them or else receive infractions that rise up to bans. Language MPM HQ is a PG-13 rated forum you can say. You can post little swears like damn, but never swear directly at a person. You should never use anything too vulgar, or evade the censors. Evading the the censors is the equivelent to saying the actual word, and is just as bannable. Obviously, no sexual langauge. NO CYBERING. No racism or discrimination. It his hurtful and down right messed up. Be nice to all people, regardless of race/religion. Content Posting pornography automatically gets you AT LEAST a 1 year ban. Anything with nunity gets you the same. Giving out links to pornography follows under the same catagory. If you have a funny video, or picture that you would like to post that you know some people may find offensive or has a lot of swears, please give the link and put a disclaimer so people know what type of content they might see. Spamming Spamming can get very annoying, and usually is just a way to get your post count up. Spamming means a lot more than what some might think. Spamming is double posting, posting useless information, posting just a few words (which is okay everyonce and a while), and posting in the wrong sections. Mods can ban for spamming if it happens multiple times out of the same person. Oh and the last rule is... DONT BE MEAN. Follow the golden rule for this one.

Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:19 am